GUESS 関連ツイート
RT @elliesato: もふり…💓
This is the moment that I feel blessed; Luke allows me to touch his chin (I guess it is) now. 2020/04/27 15:09
RT @elliesato: もふり…💓
This is the moment that I feel blessed; Luke allows me to touch his chin (I guess it is) now. 2020/04/27 14:56
@318zoc_v その割には繊細なこと言うから泣いちゃうのいつも、いい意味で痛々しい😭
@guess_hss_zoc 2020/04/27 13:44
@v_kn__ あたしいく〜
@guess_hss_zoc 2020/04/27 15:37
RT @visselkobe: \第5回これは誰かな?/
Can you guess who this is?
Hint: this player often wears a neckwarmer in traini…@maa_hi_m 2020/04/27 13:38
@nitamago_karen ど、どらくえぇ💦今一緒だもんね〜(スクエアヲタク←)
@guess_hss_zoc 2020/04/27 13:50